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URL Shortener

cutme.org is the World's Shortest Link Shortener service to track, brand, and share short URLs.

Get Started for Free

Make Your Links Shorter

With cutme.org URL Shortener, you can transform lengthy URLs into cleaner, more shareable links! Personalize your brand by adding custom domains. cutme.org boasts the trust of over 20 million monthly visitors.

Monitor Click Activity

cutme.org has shortened and tracked more than 22,266,983 links, accumulating a total of 359,926,469 link clicks. This tool not only shortens links but also provides detailed insights into user origins and click statistics. Simply append a '+' at the end of any short URL to access the analytics.

  • 5 Monthly Short Links
  • Unlimited Clicks
  • Advanced Link Analytics
  • Custom QR Codes
  • Custom Domains with SSL
  • Smart URLs  
  • Link Retargeting  
  • 20 Monthly Short Links
  • Unlimited Clicks
  • Advanced Link Analytics
  • Custom QR Codes
  • Custom Domains with SSL
  • Smart URLs  
  • Link Retargeting